I Have Worked With Hundreds of People These Past Two Weeks... and This is What I've Noticed!3/26/2020 One thing I have noticed these past two weeks is the emotional toll the global quarantine and panic has had on the human psyche.
I have had the honor of virtually connecting, playing and facilitating for a few hundred souls during this time frame. Leading teams and small to medium-sized groups through fun and transformative experiences is something I obviously do on a regular basis, but I have noticed a big change in the way people show up. When I usually welcome a new group in, I am greeted with a mixture of excitement, maybe a little trepidation, and sometimes fear of the unknown. And always a lot of energy! This is normal (and powerful to see how they transmute this fear into a relaxed state of joy, playful connection, trust. and bonding with their teammates by the end of the session). But these past two weeks... WOW! Many enter our online portal looking exhausted, depressed, their vibrancy is lacking. Their voices are low. Their postures are droopy. They look and sound like they are just going through the motions. Some even speak with hopeless despair. The toll of the past two weeks has been harsh on their bodies, their minds, their emotions, their psyche. Their spirit. Not to mention their wallets and their immune systems. I share this because it has been an absolute honor and a privilege to be of service for my global community during this time. My fellow humans have been so devoid of connection, real social interaction and play (let alone laughter and fun) since the virus scare spread across the globe. These elements are soooooo vital for our well being. When I see a group enter my PLAYshops and trainings with extremely low energy and morale and then an hour later (give or take) leave recharged, reinvigorated and rejuvenated, I know my work, as a Facilitator, has been done. I know I have positively impacted that person's mental health. I know I have helped catalyze a powerful change in that person's life... and in the lives of those they interact with. And they will carry this upgrade and boost with them into their next encounter, task and/or project. Right now, we all need that uplift. We can all use extra connection and joy. If you, or your team, can use a boost of connection, playfulness, and/or powerful mindset shift, message me. I can help you make this a reality. Adam Rudder is the Founder and CEO of Improv4Companies. They specialize in helping teams improve their employee experience and adapt to a rapidly changing virtual workplace. He can be reached at [email protected] . www.Improv4Companies.com
These are unusual and unprecedented times of historic proportion. These past two weeks have felt surreal at times, almost like we have been living through the backstory to Zombieland or I Am Legend. With it, across the board, have come heaviness, challenges and obstacles for many.
And at the same time, I have also been discovering new and insightful things about myself. I have been noticing all the opportunities being presented to me to reinvent myself. To look at situations that come up in a new light. To connect with others (and myself) differently. To innovate. To look deeper within and shift my mindset on circumstances and open doors that I previously would not accept, let alone look at. To surrender to new ways of looking at something (instead of repeatedly trying to force something unsuccessfully). I have been asking myself how I can be of further service to others? How can I innovate? How can I look at situations and old blocks in new ways? How can I approach life and obstacles in a new light? What can I learn about myself now that I am surrounded by myself in such a deep and intimate way with a scarcity of distractions. In future posts I will likely share more. But I just wanted to share this self reflection, as while this has not been an easy time, I have been seeing lots of beauty and opportunity where I once saw despair and loss. I'm seeing new ways to connect where I once saw distance. New ways to look, where I once closed my eyes. Until then, if there is a way I can support you during these times, please feel free to reach out to me. I am happy to help. |
AuthorAdam Rudder. Long time reader, first time caller. Archives
July 2020
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